This is a protective circle. IT can be drawn around you with anything as long as you place the 5 elements where it directs you in the example above. Since they are in kanji because i think it looks cool i'll tell what to put where. air in front of you (incense works good for this), earth to your right (a cup of sand will work), water behind you (cup of water), and fire to your left (candle). Now you just put the letter V in all the places i put that symbol (where the word void is) to represent the void.The void is "emptiness" or "nothingess" if you didn't already know. You are now protected against any attack positive or negative. This circle can be used in visualization. after much practice you will be able to open your chakras, see the colors in the right places, AND see this circle rotating around you with the elements. it takes alot of practice to do this all in your head. It doesn't matter which way you face because the magical east is always in front of you.