This site is a document displaying the casting methods that a blood witch uses. . This is a new method of spell casting. .  If you are interested in blood witchcraft, this is the BEST and ONLY place you should start.  It's the only place you CAN start, lol.

      Enough information is contained  here to learn the basics of the blood spell craft. All the beginners information is contained here.Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or comments .   I try to keep it updated . This web page isn't designed to be read in any particular order.  You can browse it however you like.  I would suggest, however, you start on the "Gods&Demons" page as it provides basic info about the origins and core of the art.

     Just to let everyone know right off the bat. This is NOT black magic. This is NOT white magic. It is a neutral magic that uses both positive and negative energy. This craft is all about maintaining balance.  The symbols and avatars you will see in this memoir are taken from many ancient cultures, such as Shintoism (the Japanese ethnic religion) and ancient western European paganism.